Cancellation policy
Upon cancelling your booking, the APRES POST HOTEL GMBH General Terms and Conditions will be enforced.
Here is a short extract for your information:
Withdrawal through the contracting party - cancellation fee
5.5 Up to 3 months before the agreed arrival date of the guests the contract for accommodation can be dissolved without incurring in a cancellation fee through unilateral declaration through the contracting party.
5.6 If conditions set in § 5.5. are not met, withdrawal through unilateral delcation of the contracting party can only occur with payment of following cancellation fees:
- up to 1 month before arrival date, 40% of total sum
- up to 1 week before arrival date, 70% of total sum
- in the last week before arrival date, 90% of total sum
Further information can be viewed in the TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR APRES POST HOTEL GMBH (AGB).
. We recommend you take out a cancellation and holiday insurance policy
should anything occurr. If you want to make the most of this advantage, you can do so online.
Take out an insurance policy and save money should something happen. Click here to take out your holiday insurance (including search and booking costs for mountain and see rescue, including helicopter transport) "Hotel cancellation fee Plus":
Take out a European travel insurance policy
General information on the travel and holiday insurance policy
Room photos are only sample images
Please note that the room photos are only example images of the respective category.